Burton India Pale Ale Partial Mash Recipe

Item Number: mm99-1203-4

Sale price$45.99


Available Jan - March
Burton India Pale Ale Partial Mash BIAB Recipe Kit
An AIH Wintry Limited Edition - Available January - March

This is an AIH Wintry Limited Edition, developed to be paired with the limited release of Wyeast 1203-PC Burton IPA Blend. This is an English recipe from the 1800s that comes from East India, a Traditional English IPA. Kent Golding Hops and lots of them. The malty backbone makes sure that the bitterness is not overwhelming.

Here is what you can expect from the Wyeast 1203:

1203-PC Burton IPA Blend
Beer Styles:English IPA, Ordinary, Best, & Strong Bitters, American Porter, Foreign Extra Stout, Australian Sparkling Ale
Profile: The revival of interest in historic and classic English IPA styles calls for a specialized yeast. This blend highlights hop bitterness and aroma while still allowing full expression of authentic water profiles and pale malts. Low to moderate ester level can be manipulated through fermentation temperature and pitching rate. Palate finish is typically neutral to mildly fruity with some maltiness. Good flocculation characteristics make this an excellent candidate for cask conditioning.

Apparent ABV Tolerance: 10% Flocculation: Medium-High
Apparent Attenuation: 71-74% Temperature Range: 64-74 °F (18-23 °C)

Recipe Specs:

Yield: 5 Gallons
Original Gravity: 1.064
Final Gravity: 1.016
Color / SRM : 15.03
Alcohol by Volume: 6.16%
IBU (anticipated, alpha acids can fluctuate): 74

Specialty Grains: Biscuit, Crystal 60L
Hops: HBU Packs, Kent Goldings

Recipe Includes: Base Grains, Specialty Grains in a grain bag & Hops

The AIH Partial Mash Brew In A Bag Kit is different.

Our Partial Mash BIAB kits offer a "no-sparge" brewing alternative for those who don't want to deal with fly sparging or batch sparging. Our Partial Mash BIAB kits use a full volume mash in a single step, mash and drain. Time is saved by not doing a sparge. By skipping the sparge, the risk of oversparaging the grains is eliminated.

Unlike Extract brewing, you aren't just steeping your grains, you're mashing them. The mash is a mixture of malted grains and water. Mashing is the process of holding the malted grains in a pre-measured amount of water at 152 degrees Fahrenheit for a certain amount of time to allow enzymes to convert the starches into fermentable sugars. During this time the grains give off their color and flavor (just like steeping did) but they also have enzymes that convert starches into fermentable sugars.

The instructions included in your Partial Mash BIAB Recipe Kits will walk you through the entire process, from start to finish.

Needed Equipment: 5 Gallon Pot (8 Gallon Pot will work as well), a Brew Bag to fit your pot and your Basic Homebrew Equipment.

This is your next step (if you choose) towards all grain brewing. In fact, the main difference in technique is in how you mash and rinse (sparge) your grains.
View The Burton India Pale Ale Partial Mash Recipe Instructions here.

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